Monday, August 18, 2008

Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival

I'm trying to decide if I want to go to the Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival this year. It's the last weekend of September, about half an hour south of Portland. I can write off the expenses as a business cost, and I think it would be oh so fun to be surrounded by wool, fiber, and the people who love them. I'd really like to source some Pacific Northwest fiber, and this seems like a great opportunity. Not as far as Black Sheep Gathering, which is in Eugene, and close to a cool city that I haven't visited in about 10 years.

My original thought was to take the kiddo with me for the weekend, and give my husband a well-deserved weekend off. But I'm pretty darn sure that a three-year-old's attention span is too limited for me to actually enjoy the event. I'm thinking about floating the idea of the two of them spending Saturday exploring Portland, while I geek out at the fiber festival. Then I hit the parking lot sale on Sunday morning, then we spend the rest of the morning in Portland and drive home in the afternoon.

It has definite possibilities. I'm trying to figure out when to go back to New England to see my parents this fall, and that takes priority, but if the timing works out I'd love to go to my first fiber festival.


David Mohrman said...

If you go, look for my wife. She'll be with Bellwether Wool Company selling her angora fiber. She'll be the funny one.

Gingersnapper said...

this show is more compact than eugene and on grassy grounds so a small one has room to romp there are more little one there also than eugene and tables that face some entertainment. so hubby may enjoy the day as well last year there was a dog show as well at the other end of the grounds a long coated irish hound i believe. a very nice place to be and the ptld zoo is great! marcia